m a g l o a d i n gusing the HKS mag loader - webpage expires on 8/1/06!
start with the basic components you will be using:
there are two ways to use the HKS, my way uses your left hand to hold and right hand to feed the next round - the pictures on the box show the reverse.... do what's more comfortable for you!
insert magazine with FRONT facing towards you (pic above shows rear, but that's the only way i could stabilize it to take the pic!), and then push the mag towards the "stem" of the HKS - the bottom part, not the handle pictured
this pic shows the base of the mag being inserted on the tabs of the "stem." notice there are a FEW of them for different sized mags!
another view of the same thing
now that the mag is flush with the "stem," put thumb over handle, and push past stopper tab on right side of the base of the HKS
push that there handle down with your thumb! the follower disappears inside the mag
insert the round (invisible hand is inserting the round, my other real hand had to hold the camera to take the picture!), and push it so it goes atop the follower - keep your thumb down until the round is stable on the opening of the mag
nwo that the round is stable, handle can be released - push round all the way to the "pusher" of the HKS
push handle up to raise the "pusher"
push the round in the rest of the way - IMPORTANT! make sure you push it ALL the way to the end, at least once a magazine i have not pushed it HARD enough so it goes all the way to the back.... if you don't, the next step will stop this round from going all the way down!
throw handle back down past the tab, and push round downward into mag
insert next round!
side view - keep feeding them rounds!
enjoy your full magazines you might not ordinarily get with doing it by hand! notice my 20RD ProMag .40cal mag? yep, it can FINALLY accept the full 20 rounds now with some alterations to the positioning of the HKS.... since it extends further out, i have to squeeze it really hard against the mag to get it to work, and keep the base of the mag pushed against a table or something hard
but that's an entirely different lesson all together!
mike garcia - [ GarciaM25@gmail.com ]